For calves hitting the ground the spring of 2019, we weighted our efforts on sires documented for females and balanced production, as well as introduced a PB Simmental bull for growth out of a more-than-proven dam.
With over 2,000 daughters in production, we utilized Impression on heifers and select cows in order to produce balanced across the board calves. He is balanced in growth, carcass, and documented for fertile, low-maintenance females. His calves came easy, strong early vigor (important as they were calving in ice, snow, and near zero night temperatures), and we are excited to integrate his baseline genetics for females and potential retention bulls.
With over 6,000 daughters in production, Consensus 7229 is about as proven as they come for female production, as well as highly productive and proven sons. Beyond his proven females, we utilized Consensus 7229 to create very easy keeping (top 5% $EN efficiency), moderate framed retention females while still producing quality steers for sale time.
We selected Crossbow with the desire to incorporate maternal Emblazon 702 genetics for moderation and efficiency. Of the calving ease AI sires used for 2019 calving, Crossbow had the shortest gestation and had very little calving issues. We calved his progeny out of first-calf heifers under adverse conditions of snow, ice, thawing into near-swamp conditions, and then back to sub-zero night temperatures. Of sires used, he had the highest conception rates, but (mostly due to weaither) some required assistance with intial vigor upon arriving into the world. After initial warm-up, the calves have taken off, and we intend to use his daughters for creating an outcross lineage for selectively breeding for future retention bulls.
For us, the most exciting aspect of Longevity, was his dam, which earned him his name. She holds a 367 day annual calving interval on FIFTEEN natural birth calves. We used Longevity for 2019 spring calves, as well as 2018 fall calves. His bull calves have grown strong, and heifers maintain feminine looks and are not excessive in frame. With a 94lb natural birthweight, his calves can come with a little extra size (and most went beyond expected average calving dates by about a week) and we would recommend saving him for mature cows with enough frame to throw larger calves. That said, if we are excited to topcross Longevity daughters with calving ease bulls to add the proven “Longevity” within his pedigree.